Over the past few weeks I have been sampling a few products which I think would be perfect if your thinking of making your own festive hampers as gifts.
First are two products from Stag bakeries who have been around since 1885. These two products form part of their West coast selection.
The top picture shows savoury dipping crackers in some pretty unusual flavours. The idea being to dip them in your favourite dips. They go well on a buffet table too.
And secondly the new sweet straws. These are really unusual, not quite a biscuit and not quite a pastry but something in between. We really enjoyed these. They can be dipped if you wish, be it in hot drinks or chocolate etc or eat them alone. Full of fruity flavours and just crumble away in the mouth.
Next it’s marshmallows from Baru. I have had a few luxury hampers and in the majority of them, there has been marshmallows of some sort and I love them. Look how chunky this one is.
Baru is a European company and they sell their marshmallows in boxes of 4 and 9. They also have some unusual flavoured marshmallows as well as the chocolate variety.
Christmas just would not be the same without a good old jar of pickled onions. My parents loved them and always had them with Christmas dinner. These here bring a bit of a kick with them as they are hot and spicy.
The onions are big and crunchy with lots of hot flavour and the company is Barry Norman.
Finally and perhaps the most unusual is a vanilla chestnut spread from Clement Faugier. It comes in a tin can and is sweet, creamy, nutty, and certainly unique. You just have to try this stuff!
And how to use it? It’s spread just like any other. Pancakes, waffles, cooking any way you want it and made with all natural ingredients too.
The majority of these lovely festive type products can be purchased in Waitrose and other UK stores and online at the brand websites.