My poorly teething tot

Red cheeks, fever, grumpy mood, irritable, night waking, refusal to eat, ear/cheek rubbing, side dummy chewing, fingers in mouth, dribbling, chesty.
Add to that list- screaming, crying, not leaving my side, tears, refusing to go to anyone else!!


Yes my gorgeous 19 month old has all these symptoms and many more. Something that only a spoonful of calpol and lots of mummy cuddles can cure.
It’s the dreaded back teeth coming through. It has been on and off for a few weeks and this time for about 5 days. Poor girl was suffering all through the bank holiday weekend so we didn’t really do much.


Izebellas teeth were late coming. Her first one did not appear until after her first birthday, and then they didn’t stop coming. With each tooth she has the same symptoms over and over- runny nose, temperature, runny poop, night waking and general unwellness. She often gets quite chesty too.
Many health professionals would argue that a fever and runny nose do not indicate teething but she has these symptoms every time a new tooth appears or is about to appear.
This time it seems much worse. I don’t recall Ryan or Jordanna being as bad with theirs but may just not remember.
An internet search tells me the back teeth are the worst and usually come through around 19/20 months. So she is certainly the correct age.
I giving her calpol or ibuprofen and also trying out various teething gels- calgel and the Dentinox one.
I just wish I could some how take away all her pain. I hate seeing my poor baby girl suffer.



  1. May 6, 2014 / 12:09

    I could have written this!! My little one is 14 months with just the two teeth, for over a week now she has had a runny nose, chesty cough, quite raspy breathing, 4am wake up calls, crying, not leaving my side etc etc etc!! I hope some teeth appear after all this. Oh and add on sickness (although I think that was a bug) and a bout of diarrhoea!

    • May 6, 2014 / 12:12

      Yes sounds exactly the same as what Izebella goes through every time. Yet ask a health visitor and they will tell you the symptoms are not teething. I bet your little one gets her teeth within the next week or so. I just hope izzy gets her big ones very soon too.
      Then I will have to go through it all again in a few weeks

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Bizzimummy 🧚‍♀️