How To Honor A Cancer Survivor In Your Family

Cancer is an ominous cloud that looms over many patients’ lives, preventing them from enjoying life. In the past, a cancer diagnosis was almost similar to a death sentence. Fortunately, modern technology has enabled healthcare… View Post

How does cancer affect family members?

According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point. The cancer patient is often the one who suffers, but it doesn’t stop there. While the… View Post

How to Prevent Common Women Health Issues

Women face many unique health challenges. Aside from menstrual and pregnancy issues, they also get certain diseases more often than men. Because of this, women need to be more conscious of their health to combat… View Post

Cancer, real stories & treatment

The majority of adults today will know of someone who has either gone through cancer treatment and is now recovered or will sadly have lots close friends and family to cancer. It’s on the top… View Post

Check with Heck: Meat & two veg

Yorkshire-based sausage brand Heck, is working alongside The Movember Foundation. The Movember Foundation are the world leading men’s health charity. HECK have renamed themselves as CHECK for the duration of November, in order to encourage… View Post

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