I got this new grass trimmer weeks ago, but unfortunately with the awful unpredictable weather; I have been unable to give it a proper test out until now. Trimmers can probably be used on wet grass but I wouldn’t encourage it.
I’m no good at gardening and I hate overgrown grass but this trimmer from Vonhaus seems to make the job that so much easier.
Now I’ve used grass trimmers before and always encountered problems with them. The usual problems being the long electrical trailing cable that can easily get severed by the blade, or the blade itself which in most cases is a wheel of wire which is rotated at rapid speed to trim the grass. The wire tends not to stay in place and usually destroys the trimmer guard.
Well this trimmer is different from the rest. Firstly it’s cordless. Yes that’s correct, no long cables, and no extension sockets needed. Instead it’s powered by a rechargeable battery, which looks a bit like the batteries on cordless power drills. Our battery came with a fair bit of charge already on it, but it’s a good idea to give it a few hours before using it. The battery slots in near the top handle and easily comes out again if storing the trimmer in an outside shed.
Secondly there is no wire reel, no sharp bits of spinning wire to pop out or destroy the guard. Instead there are these plastic blades that look like keys.
It works in a similar way to the old wires reels but it seems so much safer and gives more precision when cutting the grass. By the way that metal structure you see poking out in the picture above is a flower guard. This is so you can trim grass whilst protecting any nearby precious flowers at the same time.
The trimmer head and handles are fully adjustable, the head being able to be rotated 180 degrees and it even works on its side (as above) to get into smaller and harder to reach areas.
It’s a two switch activation which most younger children will not beable to fathom. A slide of a button and a firm trigger press. The trimmer is not too rapid and the guard protects the feet from most flying debris. It’s always a sensible idea to wear some sort of eye protection too, just in case.
As you can see my garden was certainly in need of a good tidy up, with (not so) beautiful dandelions showing up everywhere, I do hate those dreaded things. My garden is not huge so this is the perfect tool to get the job done in minutes. No mower needed here! Once done I was able to go over the weeds with weed killer in the hole they are gone for the Summer.
It comes with several replacement blades which are very cheap to buy in packs and a battery charger. I am amazed at how easy this is to use – so easy that even I can cut grass with ease with this.
If you want one for your Summer garden then it costs £59.99 currently over on Amazon.
Oh this looks perfect for this time of year.