Just 49 days to go until Santa comes calling once again. I love Christmas. I love the decorations and present buying, the turkey dinner, the yearly bottle of Baileys and of course – the treats and sweets!
Sweets such as these!
These are some of the Christmas 2017 sweet selection from Haribo. They even have their own sweet selection box this year which makes a change to the usual chocolate boxes. As well as that, there is a large share tub packed full of Haribo jelly favourites, A small starmix in the shape of a star (good stocking filler). Plus the MAOAM stripes cracker which is full of these things!
Small flavoured chewy bars which my kids seem to love.
Finally a bag of Giant trees, which of course are all designed to resemble cute Christmas trees.
So give them as gifts, as stocking fillers, get them for Xmas parties or just a sweet treat on Xmas day, even have them for breakfast! It’s Christmas after all and it’s only once a year.
And unlike Halloween, no monsters will call to steal the sweets away!