This is Bunny Jump, from University games. It’s a rather cute family game and I say cute because it contains a sweet little bunny and lots of carrots, also little baskets so possibly a popular one for Easter holidays.
It’s so easy to play and good because it needs no batteries. The set up is really simple. The carrots go into the holes in the base and the bunny sits in the middle of them. Turns work via a cardboard spinner which is slightly flimsy. Players then take one or two carrots each turn depending on what the spinner lands on.
There is also a miss turn and one not so good option to put a carrot from your basket back.
It’s easy enough and the age guide states 5 and over but my 3 year old seemed to know how to play it before I got it out of the box or read the instructions.
Whilst taking carrots out, the bunny may pop out of its base at any time, this is the real fun part because you never know when it will happen. It just flies out. Players have to try and catch it and if they do, they then get two carrots off other players.
Once all the carrots are removed, the player with the most in their basket is the winner.
There are only 12 carrots to get so the game does not take long at all.Play time is increased when the bunny pops and when players have to lose carrots.
Up to 4 players can play and the guidelines state 5 and over but it’s really easy and younger children will easily grasp it too.
More information on this and other games can be found at University games. Bunny jump can be purchased in most good toy stores and Amazon for £17.00.
I love the look of this game. Would rather get my son this than Easter eggs, that’s for sure 🙂 x