Celebrate the real meaning of Easter: Meaningful Chocolate

Easter is almost upon us. Shops and supermarkets are lined with chocolate eggs and bunnies. Children are getting excited wondering just how many eggs they will get.
Ask a child of today. Why do you get Easter eggs or what does Easter mean? And what would they say? How many children know the real meaning of Easter?. I’m not too sure Ryan and Jordanna do. They have been told the Crucifixion story as have many children but understanding it and linking it to why we celebrate Easter and Christmas is totally different.
There are probably many adults who also do not know the meaning of Easter.
It’s quite sad to think that a massive 80 million eggs are sold each year, yet not one of them mentions Jesus anywhere on the box.
Meaningful Chocolate
aim to change this with their Real Easter Eggs.


The Real Easter Eggs are the first in the UK to be both a Fairtrade charity egg and to mention Jesus and Christian events on the box. The box designs change every year. The eggs still have the same delicious chocolate tastes like any other but come with a special Easter meaning.

Original Real Easter Egg

These eggs come the same size as other Easter eggs which would be bought for a child. Inside they a Belgian milk chocolate egg and chunky buttons. Also included is a 24 page Easter story book so children can read the Easter story for themselves.
Under the lid of the box there will be a bible quote. On the back of the box. An explanation of why we give eggs at Easter.
(Eggs are the symbol of new life and hope. Many also believe that the egg represents the stone that was rolled away from the tomb of Jesus)
The original Easter eggs cost £3.99 and are delivered in boxes of 6

Special Edition Premium Easter Egg

This egg comes a little bigger than the first one. It costs £9.99 so perhaps better reserved for a loved one or teenager. Inside the box is again a Belgian Chocolate egg. A delicious meaningful chocolate bar will also be inside, along with a Olive Wooden holding Cross to keep and an Easter message.

I’m not really a religious person myself. I attend church once a month or so as Jordanna is at rainbows. I attended Sunday school regularly when younger so am very familiar with the Easter story. I believe religion should never be forced onto anyone and especially not children, however I do believe that children should be taught the real meaning of both Easter and Christmas and why they are given eggs and presents. Otherwise one day no will know why.
The Real Easter eggs can be purchased from independent retailers. You can find your nearest stockists using the Real Egg Hunter

A sizeable donation from profits and Fairtrade Premium fees is given to farmers allowing them to invest in their community buying everything from school books and solar panels to providing fresh water.
The Real Easter Egg is now in its fourth year of production with more than 400,000 sold so far.



  1. April 16, 2014 / 16:35

    I think this is a really lovely idea to keep the story of Eastr going while still allowing what it’s become

  2. April 17, 2014 / 15:03

    What a lovely idea- you can still treat your children but teach them a little bit about the meaning of Easter too. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  3. google.com, pub-6419179042586861,DIRECT,f08c47fec0942fq0

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