Vintage Kitchen Scales

You lovely blog readers will know by now just how much I love anything retro. Add to that my new kitchen is lacking in a few much needed accessories. So imagine my delight when I was sent these very vintage looking kitchen scales.

They come from a company called Salter who specialise in all sorts of scales.
The scales are mechanical and therefore do not need batteries or wires. They are very easy to use I think even my kids could manage it.
They have a beautiful design and a far cry from those awful cheap plastic things you can find almost anywhere. They look very chic and certainly have a retro feel. In fact I am positive my Grandma had some very similar original ones when I was very small.

The cream colour and matching silver bowl would suit any kitchen decor, I think they are lovely to have out on display when not in use but are also small enough to store away if required.
When first using the scales you simply need to adjust the dial to zero whilst bowl is on top to ensure an accurate weight. The scales measure in both metric and imperial which is very useful as some recipes of give one or the other and it can be hard to calculate it. The silver bowl attaches easily and can be washed using a little soap and water. The scale unit simply needs a gentle wipe over after use.
I can now make lots of yummy cakes without trying to guess amounts.

I made this yummy toffee banana cake using the scales to accurately measure the amounts on the recipes. A few previous attempts went wrong due to not having scales and trying to guess.

20140129-125225.jpg it proves that every kitchen needs a good pair of kitchen scales.

These scales are one must have gadget for vintage lovers. They cost just Β£29.99 and come with a 15 year guarantee from Salter

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