Give your home a Christmas Clean with Bar Keepers Friend

I hate cleaning as do most people but it needs to be done so I am always on the lookout for effective low cost products to help with the job. I came across a brand called Bar Keepers Friend at first I thought it was something used only in bars but it’s actually a very efficient brand of cleaning products. I found these probably some of the best products I have used so far for removing dirt, dust, grime and stubborn stains and generally making my hem sparkly clean.
First there is an All Purpose Power Spray

20131107-141635.jpg It is perfect for all round cleaning in kitchen and bathrooms and most other places. It removes stains easily with a simple spray and wipe. For tougher stevia it’s best to spray and leave for a minute or so and then wipe.
Next is Stain remover

20131107-141929.jpg As it’s name states this one is great for removing those stubborn stains on surfaces. It really works too. I had old tea stains on my kitchen side which wouldn’t go away and after using this it’s gone. It can remove thigs such as felt tip marks, soap scum, baked on food and rust and can also clean stainless steel to get rid of those awful water marks. It can be used on a multitude of surfaces.
Finally the All Purpose Power Cream

20131107-142331.jpg this again can be used almost anywhere to remove dirt and stubborn stains. I found it very effective in my bathroom to clean the bath, sink, taps and toilet. A little bit of this goes a very long way and it smells quite pleasant too.
The only let down with these products is that they seem very hard to find in most supermarkets or shops. They are available on Amazon uk costing just a few pounds each. There are of course other products in the range too and they are defiantly worth buying as they seem to last a while and definitely at the top end of available cleaning products today.
As Christmas is approaching this is a good reason to stock up on good cleaning products and give your home a sparkling clean in time for Santas visit.

1 Comment

  1. November 11, 2013 / 09:59

    Just to let you know Bar Keepers Friend is available in Robert Dyas, John Lewis, Waitrose and on line at

  2., pub-6419179042586861,DIRECT,f08c47fec0942fq0

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