Wooly and Tig: one step at a time is one of the latest DVD releases from Abbey Home Media.
The story is a 3 year old girl and her toy pet spider Wooly and explores the feelings that children have with new experiences. The DVD features 15 episodes each showing a new experience such as a bus ride, dogs, hospital etc.
This will really appeal to the younger children and has a run time of 75 minutes.
COMPETITION NOW CLOSED; no more entry’s accepted
Abbey Home Media are giving away 3 copies of Wooly and Tig DVD, just follow these easy steps if you would like a chance to win a copy.
1) follow my blog either by email, twitter or Bloglovin
2) share competition on twitter (button below)
3) Comment below to this question- what are your biggest fears and why?
T&CS – competition will end on October 10th, winners contacted by email..
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Spiders, urghhh, but I’m doing my best to teach my children that Spiders are lovely, friendly fun creatures 🙂
Dying because hate to think of one day not being here for son. 🙁
Cancer because whos going to get it and how badly they will get it.
Leaving my family but i guess we have all got to go sometime i just hope i leave many memories
My biggest fear is the sea. I’m not a strong swimmer and don’t like being on open water.
spiders, can’t think of anything more scary than one of those beasts!!!
probally dying and not seeing my family again !!
My biggest fear is terrorism and where will it end. Makes me shiver just thinking about it 🙁
Biggest fear is getting cancer as it runs in the family and can’t always cure it.
Spiders, its a fear I picked up from my mum while growing up and sadly it looks like I have passed it onto my 2 kids. Im hoping this dvd will help us overcome our fears.
Following and tweeted.
My biggest fear is dying – it’s pretty irrational and only started happening since i have had children – second biggest fear is one of them dying. Hopefully we will never have to encounter either one x
My biggest fears are –
The Dentist- not sure where this stems from but I try to avoid them. Heart palpitations and panic attacks at the thought.
2nd- dying, I think this is most peoples fear
3rd- plane crash. I think this comes from all the news stories crashes. I will go on a plane but work myself up so much days before it
4th- matches : bit of a weird one but my stomach is churning and squirming just thinking about the horrible things. Match sticks eeuggh I can’t stand them. Lit, unlit or used (even worse) I used to dread finding the dirty things on a dirty street. I can’t stand them, the way they look, feel or smell. I have absolutely no idea where this fear comes from either but it’s always been there.
My biggest fear is not being able to see my 2 boys again – who live 400 miles away now
Cancer – I have lost a couple of friends and family and it is not nice seeing people suffer this way.
Anything involving my son getting hurt or worse.
Anything bad happening to my children and grandsons
Hello 🙂
I’m following on twitter and have tweeted (@beachpebble)
I had childhood kidney disease and my biggest fear is that one of my two little people also get it.
I follow your blog via email.
Shared via my Twitter @LaaMoii
and my biggest fear is not having fun cause life is short!
Apart from all the obvious fears a parent has, i hate moths, not small ones but big hairy ones eek!
Retweeted @snowhappy81, my biggest fear is wasps I dance around like a loon when one is near me!
Everyone dying! 🙁 I’m not really scared of death but the thought of being the last one of art terrifies me haha
I have shared on twitter – @TammyChernelle
I have a phobia of Sharks 🙁
Following your blog by twitter and have tweeted @Ubersome
Followed on bloglovin and tweeted @noconawolsk
My biggest fears are eventually losing those who are closest to me
something happening to my husband or children
i have tweeted
i follow on bloglovin and email
Failing as a parent, so I try extra hard
Anything happening to my beautiful little boy <3
Followed on Twitter too & shared. Great blog
Twitter – @phillipross11
I have a fear of spiders – no idea why!
im terrified of spiders, heights and drowning.
Followed by email and tweeted
And I’m scared of snakes!
getting very old – doesn’t look like fun when I look at my Gran’s ailments
I am following on Bloglovin and I have tweeted @h_igoe. My biggest fear is that something would happen to me and what would happen to my children, I love them so much and I love being Mum.
Me and my husband dying in a car crash and what will happen to our 2 kids
i am terrified of Wool – it’s a genuine phobia and scares the living daylights out of me. I am scared of the thought and feel of it. We have a completely wool free house because of it. I am hoping to get hypnotherapy one day to help overcome it.
spiders. no idea why. it took me nearly two hours to hoover a big spider the other day. i was sweating that much i had to have a shower after
Something bad happening to the kids.
something happening to my children
not been here for my girls – ive entered as @lillyfer85
something happening to my family while im miles away and not able to do anything about it
spiders and earwigs o_0 yukyukyuk they are just horrible
other than the something bad happening to the kids, i hate slugs and snails
has to be spiders once was half asleep and felt something crawling over my cheek it was a huge spider stopped sleeping in me room for nearly two months there vile things and also worry about my gorgeous daughters as they are my pride n joy xxx