Limelite Active Gel

My bathroom was looking a little grubby. I only have one bathroom between myself and three children and so it can be hard keep up with making it look lovely and shiny.
I was sent a bottle of Limelite active gel to use.

It is a strong gel suitable for kitchen and bathroom and it’s great for those stubborn stains, especially around plug holes and limescale build up.
The gel can be used neat or diluted. It simply pours onto the area and then is best left for two minutes before cleaning and wiping off.

20130701-110355.jpg. It can be used on most surfaces but as with anything it’s best to check the label and instructions first.
I cleaned my whole toilet room and bathroom with this cleaner and my bathroom now looks clean and shinier than ever. Just look at my bath.

For information on where to buy Limelite please visit here

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