Pipsy Koala is a brand of Baby & Toddler essential Nursery items, manufactured to the highest standards at an
affordable price. Visit the website at Pipsy Koalato view the whole range and find stockists
I have teamed up with Pipsy Koala to offer a great competition to my lovely blog readers. The prize will be his great On the Go Booster Seat £19.99.
It’s great for travelling and makes dining at a table much easier. It is suitable for children aged 9months- 4 years. It has a wipe clean seat and easily folds away into a handy carry bag. It will fit most dining room chairs.
This would be great for trips and holidays.
COMPETITION IS CLOSED: no more entries counted
* you must be a blog follower and you can follow by email, twitter or bloglovin
*Visit Pipsy Koala and tell me who it is named after in comment box below.
*I would also really appreciate it if you could follow/like Pipsy Koala on FACEBOOK
T&Cs-competition will end on 30/08/2013 and I reserve the right to end erly without notification
– all entrants must leave a comment as above in order for their entry to be counted
– winner notified by email: if no response to emails within 14 days the prize will be offered to someone else; so make sure you check spam folders.
– winners name will be displayed on my winners page after competition ends.
Good Luck
Win competitions at ThePrizeFinder.com
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Competitions Time
baby wipes
liked pipsy koala on facebook iain maciver
I have followed via email 🙂 and it is named after your childhood bear
I follow via email, have liked on FB and it is named after a childhood bear x
A childhood bear 🙂
I have followed via email and it is named after your childhood bear
I follow by email and it’s named after a childhood bear.
I like on FB (pipsy koala)
I have followed via email and it is named after your childhood bear
following via email and twitter
liked pipsy koala on facebook
pipsy koala named after childhood bear
childhood bear.
HI, I follow your blog by email and have liked Pipsy Koala on FB. Answe is – Named after a childhood bear. 🙂
pipsy koala named after childhood bear
Pipsy Koala is named after a childhood bear. I follow your blog via email 🙂
after childhood bear
Pipsy Koala is named after your childhood bear.
named after childhood bear
answer ; Named after a childhood bear
The childhood bear
Hi it is named after your childhood bear
Following via Bloglovin.
Named after a childhood bear.
Liked Pipsy Koala of facebook.
I’ve followed via email and liked your fb. He’s named after your childhood bear <3
After childhood bear
Pipsy Is your childhood bear 🙂
Iv followed on twitter @boopsyou
and liked on Facebook x
Named after Childhood Bear
Liked Pipsy Koala on Facebook
Pipsy koala was your childhood Teddy, I am following by email 🙂
Hi, its named after their childhood bear 🙂
I have also liked them on Facebook
Pipsy Koala is named after your childhood bear
Follow by email and like on facebook
Pipsy Koala is named after your childhood bear.
Liked Pipsy Koala on Facebook
Follow via Twitter – @longlegs1001
Pipsy Koala is named after Simon’s childhood bear.
following via email and Facebook
Named after Childhood Bear
following via email
After childhood bear
after a childhood bear 🙂 follow via email and have liked on fb
Named after your childhood bear
Pipsy Koala is named after your childhood bear.
Liked Pipsy Koala on Facebook (Jo Booth)
Followed by email
Pipsy Koala is named after Simon’s childhood bear xx
Named after a childhood Bear 🙂 Follow by Email and also liked Pipsy Koala on Facebook 🙂 x
he’s named after Simon’s childhood bear
Named after a childhood bear. Facebook liked. Following via email
Simon’s childhood bear
I follow via email – robertfox24[at]aol[dot]com
I like Pipsy Koala on Facebook – Kirsty Fox
He is named after Simon’s childhood bear
It is named after Simon’s childhood bear.
I have li8ke Pipsy Koala facebook page
I follow by twitter @Ubersome and email silver_m00nix@hotmail.com
Its named after Simons childhood bear
have also liked Pipsy Koala on Facebook 🙂
I follow on twitter @lattieh
It’s named after Simons childhood bear
Have liked Pipsy Koala on Facebook
It is named after Simon’s childhood bear 🙂
Rtd @jueperry and shared on Facebook x
Awww Simons childhood bear.
I’m following on Twitter
Following via email & Twitter (r-phillips1@hotmail.co.uk / @x_walter). It’s named after Simon’s childhood bear.
I’ve also liked Pipsy Koala on Facebook.
Its named after Simons childhood bear
I follow by email
Pipsy Koala is named after Simon’s childhood Bear xoxox
Simons childhood bear .x
Simon’s childhood bear
Simon’s Childhood Bear
It is named after Simon’s childhood bear. Aw. Following on Facebook
Simon’s childhood bear
Named after Simon’s childhood bear.
liked and following Pipsy Koala on Facebook
It’s named after Simons childhood bear
Simon’s childhood bear
Follow on bloglovin
Following via email. Named after Simon’s childhood bear.
Its named after Simons Childhood Bear
would love one of these, it would be so useful, i like Pipsy Koala on FB
Follow your blog by email & twitter @roisin_mcguckin, and have shared on FB, Twitter & Google +
It’s named after Simon’s childhood bear, and I have followed via Twitter: @JennyZucchini
its named after Simons Childhood Bear
i follow via email and have liked pipsy koalas facebook page
It’s named after Simons childhood bear – @phyllgerry , like Pipsy Koala on FB with Phyllis Ellett
simons childhood bear
Hi, I follow you on @twitter, and on bloglovin (hayleyt) and subscribe via email. Pipsy Koala is named after Simon’s childhood bear and I also like the Pipsy Koala page on facebook
Simon’s Childhood Bear
it’s named after simon’s childhood bear
it is names after simons childhood teddy bear.
i’m following on bloglovin and have liked their facebook page
it’s named after simon’s childhood bear
following via email and twitter @dr_reenu
liked pipsy koala on facebook
simons childhood bear xx
simons childhood bear
Names after Simons childhood bear
Simon’s childhood bear