After 11 long years of amazing service; my old trusted friend- the Beko WM 1510 s washing machine has finally let me down.
. After forcing the door to open I managed to remove my soggy half washed, strange soapy smelling clothes from it and put them out to dry. I tried the machine again which seemed to fill, drain and empty no problem but would not revolve nor spin no matter what I did (stubborn old thing). After googling several web sites I come to the conclusion that the motor has finally packed in and a replacement can be pricey.
So instead the old Beko – who gave me many years of faultless service will now have its fate confined to the scrap heap. In its place on Tuesday will go this.
. Yes a shiny brand new black swan and minus £250 from my purse ??
Let’s hope this gives me just as many or more good years.
Bye Bye old Beko!!
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